Friday, April 19, 2019

Fun and Interesting Donkey Facts


Donkey Facts

Some of the following donkey facts may surprise you!

Whether you’ve been throwing around the idea of getting a donkey or if you simply want to learn more about them, you’ve come to the right place! Donkeys are part of the equine family, which means that they are related to zebras, horses, and mules.

Being the smallest of this family of animals, they certainly are not the youngest. Donkeys were domesticated over four thousand years ago, or two thousand years BC. Let’s take a look at some of the interesting donkey facts below.

Description and Lifestyle

The donkey can be accurately described as a shorter and furrier version of the horse.

The overall build is actually more similar to a zebra, with the broad back and generally stocky appearance. The ears of the donkey are similar to that of the mule, being both longer and furrier than a horse’s. The donkey’s mane is short, coarse, and thick, which makes it almost impossible for the mane to lie down.

The donkey’s hoof is also much smaller in proportion to its body, however the legs are generally thick-boned and strong. If a donkey is well cared for, it can live to be about 40 years old.
The donkey is most at home in a desert climate, which is likely due to its family tie with the African wild ass, of which all donkeys are descended from. Donkeys are most favored because they are generally stronger (in comparison to their size) than horses.

Donkeys are also very easy to feed, especially in the desert where they will get nutrients and water from seemingly inedible desert plants. The donkey’s lifestyle is also one that includes playing security guard.

This animal will fiercely protect their companions and have an intense dislike of dogs and any other animal of the canine variety.


Regardless of the conception that most people have about donkeys being stupid, they are actually keen thinkers and problem solvers.

Because donkeys are from a terrain that makes galloping a tiresome and largely useless skill, donkeys are more likely to concoct a plan to escape danger rather than run away from it. This is due to their predisposition of self-preservation, which sometimes makes them very stubborn.

The expression “stubborn ass” is actually relevant to this animal, and most likely where the term originated from! This stubborn streak is what makes donkeys a little more difficult to handle, especially when it comes to performing tasks for their owner that they simply don’t want to do.

Donkeys are definitely the type of animal to think, “What’s in it for me?” That being said, they are quite loyal and will play mother hen to an entire herd of cattle. They also have a charming and fun-loving personality that makes them very amiable with children.

Fun Donkey Facts
The female donkey is referred to as “Jenny” while the male donkey is called “Jack”.

When a Jack mates with a female horse, the result is a mule. When a male horse and a Jenny mate, the result is a “hinny”. Male zebras and Jennys can also mate together to produce an animal called a “zedonk.” Mules, hinnys, and zedonks are incapable of reproduction.

Donkey’s milk contains more sugar and protein than cow’s milk, plus it is lower in fat.

The first donkeys born in the United States were owned by George Washington. Hundreds of years ago, donkeys were seen as a verification of wealth or status.

Owning a donkey in those days would be like owning a jet or a million-dollar car.

Not all donkeys are small.

The “mammoth” variety can reach nearly five feet to the shoulder.

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