Friday, April 19, 2019

Causes Of Swollen Paws In Pets


Swollen Paws In Pets

The causes of swollen paws in pets can be attributed to a variety of reasons, but in nearly every circumstance they are painful and require professional veterinary intervention to resolve.

While some of the causes of inflamed paws in pets may be minor and temporary in nature, others can be very serious and even life-threatening. For an average pet owner there is little that can be done at home to alleviate issues of inflamed paws in pets, as their root causes can be difficult to establish without veterinary medical training or equipment.

It is for this reason that any case of a swollen paw in your pet that lasts more than 36 to 48 hours requires professional assistance.

The most common causes of swollen paws in pets are the result of insect stings and embedded foreign bodies that occur when your pet is outdoors. These are perhaps the only causes of inflamed paws in pets that can be determined and aided by a pet owners at home.

Examine your pet’s paw and if an insect bite or object is discovered gently try to remove it and place antiseptic on the affected area. In these instances of a swollen paw a pet should return to normal in a few days without further treatment required.

Infection is another of the causes of swollen paws in pets, as they may have had an insect bite or foreign object that they removed themselves using their teeth resulting in an infection. These types of inflamed paw cases are always best resolved by a veterinarian that incorporates the use of antibiotics. Infections can be very serious in pets, as they can spread to other organs and result in permanent damage.

If you notice your pet’s swollen paw is leaking pus or blood, get it to a veterinarian without hesitation as these kinds of infections can spread extremely fast.

Lastly, another common cause of swollen paws in pets is due to a sprain or broken bone.

Pets run, jump, play and wrestle and can injure muscle or break bones during just about any activity. Whether the cause of a inflamed paw in your pet is a broken bone or sprain can only be determined by a vet, usually following an examination and x-ray.

While most of the sprains and minor broken bones can be resolved without extreme measures, some may require surgery and a lengthy rest and rehabilitation period to get your pet back on it’s paws.

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