Friday, April 19, 2019

Dog Bites & Misc Animal Bites


Animal bites are a common problem. Thousands of people are bitten by animals every year. Dog bites are the most common occurence.
If you have been bitten by an animal, you should first seek medical treatment.

You should do this regardless of whether you think the bite is serious or not.

Dog Bites & Misc Animal Bites 

A person bitten by an animal may be legally entitled to recover damages from the responsible party. I use the word "responsible party" because the owner is not always the culprit.

Animal owners are not the only people who can be held responsible for animal bites.

Animal keepers, parents or guardians of minors, and property owners can also be held liable.

Therefore, the next thing you should do is consult with an attorney, who should be able to tell you whether you have a case, who to go after, and what damages you may be able to recover.

Some states have a "strict liability" policy, which holds the owner responsible regardless of whether or not he or she is guilty of negligent behavior.

Other states allow for certain defenses such as adequate warnings and sufficient attempts to keep the animal from harming others.

The owner of a dog that has bitten someone should consult with a lawyer to detemine if he or she is liable for any damages and whether or not he or she has any defenses.

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